Bissalam.. Hehe..I am SO CALLED doing the assignment and long, long way to go. Biasalah, when students sit in front of the laptop with a free internet access, internet will always and ever win. And now, what's the topic for today? So....What is the hardest thing to face (while you are alive)? I rather answer: MYSELF. In every second, for everything we do, we have to fight with ourselves. Fighting with the nafs (yourself) will show your determination to achieve something. Finishing your assignment by its due date needs efforts, saying no to gossips needs efforts, stopping yourself from making bad assumptions needs efforts, and leaving your non-halal relationship needs efforts too. What kind of efforts?Efforts to fight with the nafs (yourself). It always hard especially when things has become your habit. People are different. Some could fight easily, some might not be able to win--ever. Besides, there are moments where fighting is not a matter and for certain things, the wars will ta...
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